The Idea

Project Positive began as an idea formulated in an Introduction to Mass Communication course at Utah Valley University by author, life enthusiast, and master of all things awkward, Ms. Shelley Williams.  Her professor introduced a "Blog and Social Media" project for the semester, which was seriously way too exciting for her to handle. She immediately began the planning process.

The original Happiness Project was created by Gretchen Rubin, and can be found here. Project Positive is a loose interpretation of Gretchen's project design. Instead of focusing on 12 aspects of a Happy Life, Project Positive will occur on a shorter time scale, focusing on 4 aspects of life throughout 4 months.

Participants of Project Positive are not required to formally track their happiness pursuits, because they are all busy college students with far better things to do than sit down and decide how happy they were that day. C'mon, we have papers to write, text books to read, and people to flirt with. Instead, we simply pledge to go about our lives with the overarching thought of that month's particular focus in the back of our cluttered minds. If this project works, those thoughts will turn into actions, and those actions will turn into Happy Vibes. :)

By making small changes to our Health, Relationships, Education, and Spirituality, we believe we can change ourselves, and even the world! Recognizing what gives us short-term and long-term happiness might be difficult, time consuming, and weirdly optimistic for the world we live in today.

But, who cares? It's our happiness. Not any one else's.



Bro Jo said...

Good for you!

Very excited to watch this concept grow.


- Bro Jo

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