Friday, February 6, 2015

My iPhone is My Best Friend

Are you and your smart phone attached at the hip? (Hopefully with one of those stylish phone holsters, circa 1992).

Image courtesy of the talented McKenzie Benson!

The relationship between a phone and it's person is quite a unique one, and it's something the world has never seen before! We can't go anywhere without our phone, and no, we most certainly won't turn it off when someone asks (we're looking at you, flight attendants everywhere).

Smart phones are great! They connect us to information from all over the world in seconds, let us talk to our friends at the drop of a hat, and can defeat boredom with a game of Trivia Crack or a few thousand pins on Pinterest.

However...we should probably start to question our maybe-too-close relationship with our phones. We found three potentially fatal relationship red flags and came up with a few ways to correct them!

The Phantom Vibrate

Bzzzzzz. Ok, you know you felt it buzz this time. Alas, as you check the screen for the 17th time in the past half hour, the screen is blank and no new messages have actually arrived. Weird.

You've gotten to a step in your relationship with your phone that you practically are willing it to alert you of information. We cannot urge you to take a step back fast enough! The constant wonder if you got a notification will drive you to insanity soon enough, but how do you combat that? Try turning the vibrate OFF. That's right, all the way off. You'll be amazed as the stress slowly seeps away.

The Panic Attack

When someone asks to borrow your phone, do you cautiously allow them the honor, and then proceed to hover like a new mother over her new born child? You should stop that, because it's weird, annoying, and down right psychotic. While that may be a slight exaggeration, it's still rooted in truth!

Practice being away from your phone for a few minutes at at time. Give your phone to a friend to hold in their purse or pocket, and check out the world around you! So many amazing things are going on outside of the screen.

The "I'm Just Checking the Time!"

This is self explanatory. No one needs to know what time it is every two-and-a-half minutes. Buy a watch, and give your phone some much needed vacation time. (It'll help you save battery power, too!)

Let us know how reeling back on your relationship with your phone effects your relationships with the people around you!


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