Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The 3 W's of Daily Success

Finding the motivation to be productive can sometimes be difficult. We usually need a mantra to get us out of bed in the morning, and a good mantra always has awesome alliteration! Please enjoy our Three W's of Daily Success!

Wake Up

The first step to any successful day is to actually start the day. Yes, mornings are hard sometimes, but if you can pry yourself out from under the covers, you can literally accomplish anything. Be it eating a good breakfast, getting a head start on the days work, or just having more time to devote to Netflix marathons, waking up in the morning should be the first thing on your to-do list (and it's the easiest thing to cross off of a to-do list!).

Work Out

Being lazy is easy, and since when has anything easy ended up being a successful endeavor? (I've never experienced that, but if you have, please tell me.) Keeping up on your fitness can boost your energy levels, make you feel better about yourself, and you will definitely notice a difference in your attitude. You don't have to work out every day, but a few times a week sounds pretty doable, right? And if you really can't find time in your week, just try taking the stairs instead of riding the elevator! Anything to get your heart a'beating.

Work Hard

So now you're awake and full of energy...what to do now? Resist the urge to hop back in bed or lounge around for the rest of the day! Put your new-found energy into your family, school, work, friends, anything! Everything good in the world came from hard work, and it's your turn to add to the good. You will feel the satisfaction of a productive day, and that feeling is a lot better than the one you get after realizing you just spent eight hours watching music videos on YouTube.

Do you have a mantra that fuels your drive to be productive? Let us know in the comments! We'd love to try out your ideas!


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